ARCHIVE - Forecast relative to the night starting on 2025/02/27 MST

Note: click on a figure to magnify the image.
Date of figures refers to the start of night in MST.


Wind horizontal map extended on a 60km x 60km square centered on LBT (represented with a black dot) calculated at 200mb.
In Fig. 1, an animation with a temporal evolution of 1-hour steps in the [dusk,dawn] time frame is shown.
In Fig. 2, an average over the [dusk-dawn] time frame is shown.
In Fig. 3-5, wind speed averages are computed in the first, central and last part of the night (see partition).
The black iso-lines represent the heights of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM).
Arrow directions represent local wind direction, while color scale and arrow length (the scale is portrayed on top right) represent the wind speed.

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Fig. 1: Wind speed and direction map [60x60]km at 200mb.
Time animation with 1-hour steps.

Fig. 2: Wind speed and direction map [60x60]km at 200mb.
Average between dusk and dawn.

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Fig. 3: Wind speed and direction map [60x60]km at 200mb.
Average in the "first part of the night".

Fig. 4: Wind speed and direction map [60x60]km at 200mb.
Average in the "central part of the night".

Fig. 5: Wind speed and direction map [60x60]km at 200mb.
Average in the "last part of the night".