ARCHIVE - Forecast relative to the night starting on 2025/02/27 MST |
Note: click on a figure to magnify the image.
Date of figures refers to the start of night in MST.
Date of figures refers to the start of night in MST.
Temperature temporal evolution between the sunset and the sunrise. Temperature T is measured either in Kelvin (right scale - absolute temperature) or Celsius (left scale).Astronomical dusk and dawn are shown too. Values are representative of the first vertical grid points of the model. Specifically three levels are represented:
- Level K=2 ---> 8.5m a.g.l. (representative of the [0-17]m vertical slab).
- Level K=3 ---> 27.5m a.g.l. (representative of the [17-38]m vertical slab).
- Level K=4 ---> 50m a.g.l. (representative of the [38-62]m vertical slab).
On the x-axis is time in UT (bottom), in MST (top). Raw data points frequency is equal to the model time-step (typically from a fraction of second up to a few seconds, depending on the model configuration used). Data points are re-sampled at a temporal frequency of 20 minutes after a 1-hour moving average. The error bars (black line) are the sigma over the 20 minutes sampling, computed before the moving average.
For those cases in which there are in-situ real-time measurements, the website displays the following outputs:
- BLACK LINE: model forecast displayed at 14:00 MST.
- GREEN LINE: real-time measurements treated with a 1h moving average as the forecasts.
- RED LINE: short time scale forecasts computed each full hour and extended on the successive four hours (see 'forecast legend').
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Fig. 1: Temperature temporal evolution between the sunset and the sunrise at [0-17]m. |
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Fig. 2: Temperature temporal evolution between the sunset and the sunrise at [17-38]m. |
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Fig. 3: Temperature temporal evolution between the sunset and the sunrise at [38-62]m. |