ARCHIVE - Forecast relative to the night starting on 2025/02/27 MST

Note: click on a figure to magnify the image.
Date of figures refers to the start of night in MST.


Isoplanatic angle horizontal map extended on a 50km x 50km square surface centred on LBT (represented with a black dot). The isoplanatic angle in integrated in [dome-20000]m vertical slab.
The isoplanatic angle in each pixel is obtained integrating the CN2 along the zenith and covering the temporal range [dusk,dawn].
On the top left, an animation with a temporal evolution with 1-hour steps in the [dusk,dawn] time frame is shown.
On the top right, an average over the [dusk-dawn] time frame is shown.
On the bottom, isplanatic angle averages are computed over the first, central and last part of the night (see partition).
The black iso-lines represent the heights of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM).

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Fig. 1: θ0 map [50x50]km integrated on [20-20000]m.
Time animation with 1-hour steps

Fig. 2: θ0 map averaged on [20-20000]m vertical slab
over the whole night time frame

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Fig. 3: θ0 map averaged on [20-20000]m vertical slab over the "first part of the night".

Fig. 4: θ0 map averaged on [20-20000]m vertical slab over the "central part of the night".

Fig. 5: θ0 map averaged on [20-20000]m vertical slab over the "last part of the night".